Geneva Alps Transfers – Why Not to Drive

Geneva Alps Transfers – Why Not to Drive

Geneva airport is one of the most well-connected and serviced in the world by way of transfers to and from dozens of ski resorts across the French Alps, though thousands of travellers each and every year continue to insist on crowding the narrow roads with their own vehicles. Of course, the appeal of stepping off the plane at the airport and immediately taking ownership of a rental car seems obvious, but in these kinds of environments there are so many reasons why a professional transfer represents the superior choice for almost everyone.

Consider the following:

Sense of Direction

Yes, you might have the greatest GPS gadget you could find on eBay, but do you really think it will continue serving you when the weather takes a turn for the worst and the snow heads in? Of course not – so how’s your sense of direction when it comes to deciphering between dozens of ski resorts scattered all over the French Alps? Hundreds waste hours and sometimes even days of their ski holidays every year by assuming it will be a piece of cake and summarily getting completely lost – why not let someone else take care of the directions?

Road Conditions

Most first-timers hit the roads following their arrival and Geneva only to find that their picture postcard mental-image of the French Alps somehow excluded one thing – treacherously icy roads. The main highways may be well-treated, but hit the back-roads and you’ll soon realise that little in the world can prepare you for the task ahead of you. The short journey to Megeve or Saint Gervais can soon become a marathon jaunt to say the least, leaving drivers stressed and exhausted before they even arrive.

Fuel Costs

Moving onto the more material concerns now, fuel sadly isn’t the cheapest asset in France and by the time you’ve filled the tank sufficiently to take you, the family and your gear where you’re going and back again, there’s a good chance you’d have saved a packet by booking a warm, safe, comfortable and fast transfer from the airport. Why pay more for less?


Speaking of equipment, chances are you’re not going to know until you get there whether the rental car you’ve organised actually has room for all the equipment you’ve ferried over. This means packing light or facing the prospect of playing a game human Tetris in order to try and get everyone and everything in for a delightfully cramped, uncomfortable and frankly dangerous journey.


Last but not least, there’s pretty much no getting away from the fact that you’re vastly more prone to facing an accident or incident on the unfamiliar and icy roads heading from Geneva airport to wherever you’re on your way to. Should the unfortunate occur or the car face mechanical issues, chances are you’ll be stuck to face the elements on your own for as long as it takes for a recovery operation to get to you, eating into your holiday until eventually sending you on your way. Professional transfer companies on the other hand offer flawless safety records, impeccable vehicle quality and dozens of contingency measures always on standby to cope with any and every eventuality.


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